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Valentine’s Day Appeal for Children in Gaza

Love changes everything!

Even the price of a red rose or box of chocolates can make a difference.

St Valentine please bless the appeal and pray for an outpouring of love for the children of Gaza and all children exhausted by war and extreme hardship.

May all nations learn to love every child, born and unborn.

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To Gaza with Love Valentine’s Day appeal


St Brigid’s Day Appeal 2025 for children in Nebbi, Uganda

St Brigid patroness of Ireland had a great love of the poor from when she was a child. She gave away her belongings to the poor and gave her father’s sword to a man with leprosy. Her charity angered her father who thought she was too generous to the poor.

St Brigid was professed a nun by St Mel, nephew of St Patrick. She founded many convents in Ireland, healed the sick, and worked miracles for the poor.

Today on St Brigid’s say we ask her for a miracle for children living in extreme hardship Uganda in need of food, school uniforms, sweaters, school books, shoes, mosquito nets, bed sheets and blankets. St Brigid bless these poor children. 100 percent of donations received will go to providing these essentials for these children.

Photo: St. Brigid holding her lamp. Stained glass window in St Mary of the Rosary Church, Cong, Mayo, Ireland

Tuesday’s Child Christmas Appeal

    To donate click here »


Divine Mercy Novena for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and peace in the Holy Land

Tuesday 7 - Wednesday 15 January

Holy hour each day with prayer of the Divine Mercy Chaplet united with Our Lady and through the intercession of St Faustina and Pope St John Paul II and St Pio.

“Mankind will not know peace until it returns to My Mercy”. Jesus to St Faustina

Jesus I trust in You

Tuesday’s Child Christmas Appeal


Following Yonder Star Christmas Appeal 2024

“And in front of them was the star they had seen rising; it went forward and halted over the place the child was. The sight of the star filled them with delight and going into the house they saw the child with His mother Mary and falling to their knees they did Him homage. Then opening their treasures they offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh”. Matthew 2:9-12

“From the Manger the Child Jesus asks us to be a voice of those who have no voice”. Tuesday’s Child Christmas Appeal wishes to send donations received to charity partners helping children exhausted by war, hunger and extreme hardship. Monies go to life essentials as well as parties for children and Christmas gifts. This year the Following Yonder Star Christmas Appeal hopes to help children in the following areas ravaged by war and injustice:

Tuesday’s Child Christmas Appeal

    To donate click on the star


On 7 October 2023, feast day of the Holy Rosary, Israel declared war on Gaza after a horrific attack on a Kibbutz. Fourteen months on the world continues to witness a holocaust of little children. At least 13,000 children have been killed, thousands are missing, entombed under rubble, many are injured and all are deeply traumatised. Some children have lost their whole families.
Gaza was the escape route for the Holy Family of Nazareth when they fled King Herod into Egypt and also their return route to Nazareth. Children in Gaza today are trapped inside a wall of steel and are unable to flee with their families from modern day Herods. Almost all children are displaced and there is no place safe to live. Donations received will go to provision of food and water to children and their families.
Please also pray to the Baby Jesus, Prince of Peace, for an end to the holocaust and peace in the Holy Land, the land of His birth. If we focus on the little children, the solution is very simple – peace, peace, peace. The call to first help children n Gaza came from the shores of Galilee in August 2007.

On 24 February 2022, Russia declared war on Ukraine. Almost three years on children and their families are facing another freezing winter because of ongoing Russian airstrikes. As in all wars it is little children who suffer most.
This Christmas, Tuesday’s Child continues to ask for donations to help displaced children and their families in Kiev. Funds go to Fr. Rolf and his team who co-ordinate aid delivery throughout the Ukraine and run children’s homes consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary sheltering children affected by war.
Tuesday’s Child first met Fr Rolf in Fatima on 8 December 2018, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. In 1917, Our Lady appeared to three little shepherds – St Jacinta, St Francisco and Ven. Lucia - in Fatima and told them to “pray the Rosary every day for peace in the world and an end to the war”. Let us also pray for an end to the horrific war on children in Ukraine.

This Christmas Tuesday’s Child hopes to provide Christmas gifts for 1500 children and teenagers living in Aleppo, one of the oldest cities in the world. The children attend a centre in the Latin Church of St. Francis.
Syrian children continue to live with the reality of war. On 1 December 2024 the Franciscans in another part of the city came under bombing by a Russian airstrike and the Holy Land Franciscan college was damaged. Children of prayer and peace in the Franciscan church gather regularly in large numbers to pray for peace for every child, born and unborn. Our Lady Queen of the Angels protect the children and young people of Aleppo and all of Syria. St. Francis of Assisi and all the Franciscan saints pray for them.

On 3 November 2020, on the feast day of St. Martin de Porres, patron saint of the poor, war broke out in the Tigray region of Northern Ethiopia. Numerous killings and massacres have been committed by the Ethiopian National Defence Force and the Etitrean Defence Force. One of the towns badly affected is Wukro.
This Christmas, Tuesday’s Child appeals for funds to help many orphaned and very poor children cared for in St. Mary’s parish. Tuesday’s Child met the parish priest Fr Hagos in Our Lady of Grace monastery, San Giovanni Rotundo, Italy, after praying the Divine Mercy chaplet at the 7th century Crucifix in front of which St. Padre Pio received the visible wounds of Christ.
War inflicts terrible wounds on little children and their families that can last for generations. May the Christ Child bring His love, peace, hope and joy to children in Wukro and all of Ethiopia this Christmas.


Tuesday’s Child helps children in Uganda by provision of fresh drinking water from newly drilled wells. Last year water was provided in Nebbi in Uganda thanks to the work of Fr. Albert. The next water well – “Our Lady of Medjugorje water well” is scheduled to open on 8 December 2024 thanks to the work of Fr. Matthias.
This Christmas we ask again for donations to support a Christmas party for children in Nebbi. The party provides food and juice for the children and there is a Christmas procession with the Baby Jesus through the town. May the Divine Child raise His little hand and bless all the children of Nebbi and all Uganda children this Christmas.

Tuesday’s Child supports Fr Conor and his team in Eastlands slums in Nairobi who do wonderful work organising Christmas parties for up to 1500 children including street kids. Gifts are also distributed to primary school children including shoes and socks. Teenage boys living on the streets are cared for and given the opportunity to go to college.
Tuesday’s Child also continues to fundraise for children with disabilities in the Garissa diocese, North East Kenya. Children are cared for by Camellian sisters. Donations go to the salary of a school teacher, food and juice for children at school and new clothes.
Tuesday’s Child also wishes to support children in Karbiobangi, Nairobi, who are cared for by the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Africa. The sisters rescue children and provide the opportunity of education with a daily meal of porridge in their schools.

Tuesday’s Child hopes to support education of primary school children in Karnataka, Southern India through the coming year. Funds go to Fr Jerome, a Carmelite priest who builds schools and co-ordinates education for poor children. Fr. Jerome has special devotion to the Infant of Prague who blesses his work educating little children of Karnataka. “The more you honour Me, the more I will bless you”.

Bosnia Herzegovina
Vares is a town three hours north of Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina. The town has never recovered from the Bosnian-Serbian war. The former tin mine, a main employer in the town, remains in ruins. In the centre of the town the orphanage for children run by Franciscan sisters is a light in the darkness. War is always a defeat. May the Baby Jesus bless the children of Vares this Christmas and all the children of Bosnia Herzegovina.

Tuesday’s Child supports a wonderful centre of education and fun for children in Sao Paulo. Here children from poor families meet to enjoy learning together and playing sports and enjoying other fun activities. The centre is run by Fr. Mario and his youth team.

Click on the Bethlehem Star!
To donate just click on the Bethlehem Star! May the light of the Star shine on little children around the world.
Tuesday’s Child is a little child of a charity wishing to help little children and bring them a little love, joy, hope and peace at Christmas. No salaries are taken from donations received.
Children are the future. Every child is precious. Every child has the right to life. Peace and love for every child, born and as yet unborn.
“Raise Your hand, Divine Child and bless these young friends of yours, bless the children of all the earth”.

Travelling Light book

Christmas Cards

Beautiful Christmas cards of the Holy Family of Nazareth

“For there is a Child born to us, a Son given to us, and dominion is laid on His shoulders; and this is the name they gave Him: Wonder Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace”. Isaiah 9:6

Pack of 10 cards £6 plus P&P

Proceeds to Tuesday’s Child Christmas Appeal for children exhausted by war and hunger.

Email info@tuesdayschild.org.uk or text 07828 149005 to order.


Gaza Emergency Appeal

Gaza is the most densely child populated place in the world. There are more children living here per square mile than in any other country or state. Children live in already terrible conditions denied basic human rights for life and are trapped between two sealed borders where transfers out of Gaza for life saving medical treatment for children are also often refused.

Many children are malnourished and deeply traumatised from ongoing inhumane and collective punishment by Israel. The killing and wounding of children has become a blood sport and international media turns a blind eye to the atrocities.

On 7 October 2023, Israel declared war on Gaza following an escalation of violence in Israel and terrorist attacks by militants tragically claiming many lives and wounding many others including children.

Click here to donate at JustGiving »



Friday 27 October

Day of prayer and fasting for peace
Holy Hour in St. Peter’s Square,
Rome 6 pm
5 pm Irish time

Peace, peace, peace

Pope Francis calls for penance and prayer on Friday 27 October imploring God for peace.

He also invites all believers to unite with him in prayer from St Peter’s Square in Rome at 6 pm Italian time, 5 pm Irish time.

“Dear brothers and sisters, my thoughts go to Palestine and Israel, the victims are increasing and the situation in Gaza is desperate. May, please, everything possible be done to avoid a humanitarian disaster. It’s possible that this war might grow and there are many many wars in the world. May the weapons fall silent!

Jesus is on the side of the poor, the children, the suffering. Brothers and sisters, war does not solve any problems, it only sows death and destruction, it increases hatred, it multiplies revenge, war destroys the future, it destroys the future.

I call on all believers to take only one side in this conflict that of peace, not with words, with prayer.

Photo - Candlelight prayer walk for peace in the Holy Land,
Belfast 6 Jan 2009

Thinking about this, I decided to make the 27 October a day of penance so that people can in the way they see best, brothers and sisters of all Christian churches, and all other religions can come together for peace in the world.

That evening at 6 pm in St Peter’s Square in a spirit of penance we will have an hour of prayer to implore God for peace in our days, peace in this world.

I ask all the particular churches to participate by putting on similar events which bring together the people of God.

…please brothers and sisters let us pray for peace in the world and let us not forget tortured Ukraine, people are not speaking about it at the moment but there are a lot of dramas going on.

My blessing to all”

Pope Francis
18 Oct 2023
on the feast of St Luke the evangelist.


Appeal for children in Ukraine

Sascha plays the accordion in his home near Kiev.

To support children in Ukraine please donate to:

To donate, click here. 100 percent of donations will go to the relief effort.

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Pope Francis calls all believers to pray and fast

Tuesday 17 October

Pope Francis calls all believers to pray and fast Tuesday 17 October for peace in the Holy Land and an end to all war.

“Dear brothers and sisters, I continue to follow with great sorrow what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I think again of many..in particular children and the elderly. I renew my appeal for the freeing of hostages and I strongly ask that children, the sick, elderly, women and all civilians not be made victims of this conflict.

Humanitarian law is to be respected, especially in Gaza, where it is urgent and necessary to ensure humanitarian corridors and to come to the aid of the entire population. Brothers and sisters already many have died. Please let no more innocent blood be shed neither in the Holy Land or in the Ukraine, nor in any other place. Enough! Wars are always a defeat! Always.

Prayer is the meek and holy force to oppose the diabolical force of hatred, terrorism and war. I invite all believers to join with the Church in the Holy Land and to dedicate next Tuesday 17 October to prayer and fasting.

And now let us pray to Our Lady

Hail Mary full of grace
The Lord is with you
Blessed are Thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.



Happy Birthday Our Lady

Friday 8 September ‘23

A bouquet of red and white roses was presented to Our Lady Queen of Peace in Medjugorje on 8 September.

The bouquet represents people in Ireland wishing Our Lady Happy Birthday by praying the Rosary and asking Jesus to give Our Lady the gift of peace on her birthday. Children in São Paulo Brazil and Children in Uganda also prayed the Rosary to wish Our Lady Happy Birthday.

Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us. Peace for every child born and unborn!

Happy Birthday Our Lady

Easter Appeal for Children in the Ukraine

Tuesday's Child is raising funds to help children and their families displaced in the terrible war on Ukraine. 100 percent of monies received will go to aid distribution in Ukraine and to refugee centres in Poland and Romania.

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a devastating war on the Ukraine. Thousands of innocent people have been tragically killed. Hundreds of thousands of families are displaced by war and exhausted by sheer trauma. As in all wars, children are suffering terribly and displaced children are at risk of trafficking.

Tuesday’s Child Easter Appeal
    Click here donate at JustGiving,
    or click here
or here to donate via PayPal

Tuesday's Child is fundraising to support catholic missionaries working in the Ukraine under the banner "triumph of hearts"; they have have been doing amazing work for years bringing much needed aid to children and people of all ages in Ukraine. Since the outbreak of war they have distributed aid through a logistically excellent and long established network of humanitarian support. They also support children's homes dedicated to the Heart of Mary. We first met them in Fatima on 8 December, where Our Lady appeared to three little shepherds in 1917 asking for the daily Rosary and sacrifices for an end to war and told the children she will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart and reparation on first Saturdays. On 25 March 2022 Pope Francis consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In March 70 trucks of aid were distributed to key areas affected by the war. Areas helped include Kiev in Northern Ukraine, Lviv, Ternopol, Ivano Frankisvk, Khmelnyzkyj, Chernivisti and Vinnyzja in Western Ukraine and Odessa in the South. In April they are sending aid also to refugee centres in Poland and Romania. Food costs are approximately 5000 Euro per 15 tonnes of food and freight costs €2,500 per truck. Other items distributed include: fire fighting equipment, medical aid, blankets, clothes, hygiene items and items for babies and children.

To donate, click here. 100 percent of donations will go to the relief effort.

Or donate via PayPal...

Thank you!
Thank you for your kind support of Tuesday’s Child’s Christmas Appeal in 2021. A total of £32,244.93 was shared between missionary partners co-ordinating humanitarian support of children in 8 countries from November 2021 to January 2022. The public benefit to children: food, clean water, education, play and leisure and Christmas gifts. All beneficiaries are living in areas of war and extreme hardship. Monies transferred including grant monies.

Thank you also for your kind support of the Easter Appeal for children in the Ukraine which raised 10K for children and their families living in Kiev. Let us pray for an end to this terrible war and all wars and for peace for every child. May our world family learn to cherish every little boy and little girl. Every child has a right to life.

Some photos of children from around the world helped by Tuesday’s Child last year.

Public benefit to children included: food, clean water, coats, shoes, educational grants, school uniforms, play and leisure activities, hospice care, Christmas parties and gifts.

Children helped by Tuesday's Child in 2022


Prayers for children of the world this Christmas

“For there is a child born to us,
a Son given to us
and dominion is laid on His shoulders;
and this is the name they give Him:
Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace”.
Isaiah 9:6

We also ask your prayers this Christmas for all children in the world and the gift of peace for every child, born and unborn.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, for all the children of the world. Maybe every child be loved as Mary and Joseph loved the Baby Jesus. May the star that shone brightly over in Bethlehem shine brightly this Christmas over all the children in the world and bring hope and joy to all. “Raise your tiny hand, Divine Child, and bless these young friends of yours, bless the children of all the earth”.

prayer for christmas


Gaza Emergency Appeal

Tuesday’s Child has been helping children and their families in Gaza since August 2007. Over the last 11 days, the world has watched in horror as another war has raged across the 26 mile long strip of land, home to 2 million people. Gaza is the most densely child populated place in the world where children live in dire conditions under siege and denied their basic human rights.

The latest war has claimed the lives of 247 people including 67 children and 39 women. Babies of pregnant women also died in the womb with their mothers; these children are not included in the official death toll. In Israel, 12 people have lost their lives in the conflict. Tens of thousands of families are displaced across Gaza and thousands of families have lost everything in this terrifying and brutal war. Please consider making a donation to provide: food, clothes, hygiene kits, shoes and blankets. Let us also pray for the dead, the bereaved, the injured, the homeless and for an end to the cruel siege of Gaza.

Donate at JustGiving »
Download and share our appeal poster »

Gaza Emergency Appeal

Department of Communities NI - Covid 19 Charity Fund

Tuesday’s Child is delighted to receive an award of £20,000 from the Department of Communities NI - Covid 19 Charity Fund.
Thank you!

Gaza Emergency Appeal donation thanks


Valentine’s Day Appeal for Children in Gaza

Children in Gaza have lived under a cruel siege for 14 years, in cramped and dire conditions, denied the most basic human rights - lack of clean drinking water, lack of food, and living with raw sewage and in makeshift homes. If you are 18 years old and living in Gaza you will have survived three wars and know someone who has been killed or injured while you have been unable to flee or even travel outside the 26 mile long strip of land that you call home. You are mostly likely traumatised and cannot fathom why you have to live like this and why the world does not seem to care about your plight.
With each war, the media shows some of the horror - images of dead children, families fleeing with nowhere to flee to, shattered lives and a strip of land almost bombed into oblivion. Yet nothing changes. The world seems powerless to break the siege and stop the extreme bullying of the Gazan people and the media moves on to the next news story. So many living in makeshift homes, waiting and hoping for news of some breakthrough and nothing changes.

Love changes everything! Show a little love this Valentine’s Day for the children of Gaza. Even the price of a rose can make a difference to the life of a child for one day.

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To Gaza with Love Valentine’s Day appeal


Follow Yonder Star

Santa Claus launches Following Yonder Star Christmas 2020 Appeal

Santa Claus made a surprise visit to Ardglass on 6th December and to launch our Following Yonder Star Christmas Appeal for children and bring a little joy and cheer. Santa and his helpers were greeted by children of St. Nicholas’ Primary School, who gathered outdoors in the school Eco garden and sang Christmas songs and carols.

Santa arrived by donkey and trap with donkeys Remus and Hobnob kindly provided by Kinedale Farm in Ballynahinch. Hobnob was loaded with baskets of blessed clementines for children and staff. “Santa is very special to the children of St. Nicholas PS as he is patron saint of our school” said Principal Kevin Burns.

Afterwards, Santa Claus journeyed around town where he received a generous cheque from Joanne of £1000 towards our Christmas Appeal! Santa Claus is a wonder-worker and a bringer of gifts. We hope, with his help, to bring many gifts to children this Christmas. Santa Claus is patron saint of children, so we will be asking his prayers to help all children in the world this Christmas. All monies received go to purchasing gifts for children.

Follow Yonder StarFollow Yonder Star

Live Crib Belfast

Following Yonder Star - The Live Christmas Crib 2013 -2019

“We saw His star as it rose and have come to do Him homage”.
Matthew 2:3

Thank you to everyone who has supported our annual Christmas fundraiser – The Live Christmas Crib in The Grotto at St. Mary’s - over the past 7 years. The outdoor Live Crib has brought great joy to children both at home and abroad and to people of all ages and all faiths in Belfast City and across the Province. Many international visitors, have visited, some who journeyed especially to Belfast especially to visit the Crib! Thanks to Blackberry Farm and Kinedale Farm for the beautiful animals over the years, to the all the crib volunteers and to the schools and choirs who have come to sing Christmas carols at the crib and to St. Mary’s for hosting the crib. Live Crib has raised a total of £72, 383.23 for children at the crib over the 7 blessed years and daily prayers offered for peace in the world and peace for every child, born and unborn.

All monies raised in the buckets have gone to missionary partners working in areas of war and extreme hardship, to bring Christmas gifts to children in 10 countries – Syria, Gaza, Kenya, Sudan, India, Cameroon, Uganda, Nigeria, Zambia and Child Boat Refugees in Syria. Public benefit from monies raised for children overseas includes: Christmas gifts and parties for children, food aid for children and their families, education of children, music therapy, health-care and wood shelters for families. St. Francis of Assisi, built the first live crib in Greccio in 1223, almost 800 years ago! St. Joseph please lead us to a new place for and The Live Crib in 2020!


Live Crib Belfast

Play The Bethlehem song

The Bethlehem Song

Children of St. Mary’s recorded a beautiful Christmas carol for us, “The Bethlehem Song”, written by Theresa Gosh.
The song was recorded live at the Live Crib.
To order a copy of the song on CD email events@tuesdayschild.org.uk.
Cost is £2.50 plus P and P and makes a lovely stocking filler!

The Bethlehem Song

Tuesday’s Child Projects
This year Tuesday’s Child is helping:

Children of Wajir,
  Children of Gaza,
  Child Scavengers of
Nairobi, Kenya
  Children of St Daniel’s
Wau, South Sudan
Children of Wajir,  Kenya   Children of Gaza,  Palestine   Child Scavengers of  Nairobi, Kenya   Children of St Daniel’s  Wau, South Sudan
Street Children of
Sinai Slums, Nairobi
  Children of Nebbi,
  Children of
Karnataka, India
  Children of Lagos,
Street Children of  Sinai Slums, Nairobi   Children of Nebbi,  Uganda   Children of  Karnataka, India   Children of Lagos,  Nigeria

Emergency appeal for Gaza

On Tuesday 8th July a full scale war was launched on the Gaza strip. The majority of people killed and badly injured are civilians. Family homes, schools, hospitals, charities, farming areas have all come under constant shelling by air and sea. The tiny coastal enclave, just 26 miles long and 4-7 miles wide, where people are trapped behind a wall of steel, is being bombarded. Fighter planes, drones and war ships continue to destroy home after home and tear apart family after family.

Thousands of people have been displaced from their homes, many still living in makeshift homes since the last war. Please help. We give everything we receive. And please pray for the people of Gaza and for peace between Israel and Palestine and throughout the Middle East. Peace and justice for every child.

View an album on Facebook, click here »

Please donate now through:

justgiving.com »
Just Giving to Tuesday's Child

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Gaza Appeal July 2014

My name is Shahed, this is my borther Mohammed and my sister Wad, we lost our home here in Shejayia, where we are sitting is where out home was. We went to stay in one of the schools, but lots of the children there are getting sick, so my Mum took us home - she said, we are better here sitting on the stones of our own home, rather than getting sick.

Children of Gaza; homeless and traumatised - view here »

Loose Change Appeal

Your loose change can really make a difference.
Why not have a spring clean and gather up the loose change around your home or car?
We give everything we receive.

loose change appeal


Thinking of running a marathon?

Run a marathon for Tuesday's ChildIt’s the marathon season again.
Want to get fit and make a difference to the lives of children?
Why not run or walk a marathon, not just for yourself, but to help others?

For more information, contact us at info@tuesdayschild.ie

Photo Paddy Mathews running for children in Gaza

Belfast singer-songwriter releases song for children of war for Tuesday’s Child – Just Like You and I

Just Like You and I was written by Olive for children ravaged by war. "In my dreams you cried and I heard you, with love, I dedicate this song to all children of the world, born and unborn".
Buy online here »

Just Like You and I music track


To all Tuesday’s Child’s friends on Facebook

Our Tuesday's Child friends page was disabled last week while posting reports from the war on children in Gaza. We have lost almost all of our facebook posts for the last 7 years and all photo albums taken on trips overseas to help children in all areas we have helped in have been removed - Bosnia, Brazil, Congo DRC, Gaza, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Bolivia, Chile, West Bank, Israel, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe...
Read more »

Tuesday's Child Facebook

Midsummer prayerPeace for every child

Please pray for peace between Israel and Palestine and throughout the Middle East and all areas of war and conflict. Peace and justice for every child


album imageClick to view photos of some of the children Tuesday’s Child has met around the world. You are our inspiration! God bless you all and keep you safe.

View on Facebook here »


Sports memorabilia

Tuesday’s Child has some fabulous collectors items for sports enthusiasts:

Steven Gerrard signed boot for Tuesday's Child Charity

• Signed football boot by Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard
• Kerry 2009 All-Ireland Football final shirt signed by the team
• Collection of signed photos of 3 golfing greats -
Rory McIlroy, Graeme McDowell and Darren Clarke

All proceeds go to helping children in Gaza.

Appeal for families in Tacloban

Tuesday’s Child is raising funds to support the St Maries of the Isle missionary sisters based in Tacloban in bringing aid and relief to families devastated by the typhoon that hit the Philippines leaving hundreds of thousands of people in ongoing need of help.
To help, donate click here »

gaza appeal


Buy a food hamper for a family in Gaza

Nairobi appealThe humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to spiral. Of the 1.7 million people trapped in this tiny 26 mile strip of land, 50 percent are children.

The world bank recently reported that the Gaza strip is the poorest Arab region after Sudan and Yemen. Food baskets cost £40 (€48).

For photos of April ?4 Gaza food distribution click here »

Eslam 5 yrs, Gaza city,
with food for her family

Appeal for Syrian refugee children

Tuesday’s Child is raising funds to support and educational
Programme for 400 displaced children from Syria living in refugee camps In Lebanon. The programme helps children adjust to the Lebanese educational System. If you can help please email us at info@tuesdayschild.ie

Children in camp in Northern Syria with toys from Tuesday’s Child

gaza appeal


“Abandoned” by Kay Eastwood – for Syria

Nairobi appealHilsborough Artist Kay Eastwood has kindly donated this beautiful painting
“Abandoned” to help children in Syria. Kay’s work is currenty on exhibition as part of the Ulster Women’s Artists Exhibition in the Ulster Hall running from 8th – 29th Nov 2013.

The reserve on the painting is £790 of which 100 percent will go to children in Syria.

Click here to view other auction items »


Appeal for children of Sudan

Franciscan sisters working in St Daniel’s Paediatric
Hospital Wau in south Sudan need your help to
support their paediatric hospital. Can you help?

If you can help please email us
at info@tuesdayschild.ie
gaza appeal
Photo little girl with her baby brother in St Daniel’s Wau


Get involved

Get involved and make a real difference to Tuesday’s Child. Organise an event, collect your loose change, buy our merchandise, makea donation to one of our appeals, or shake a bucket. Contact us at events@tuesdayschild.org.uk

Guitar Auction Snow PatrolPhoto: In loving memory of our eldest volunteer Gerry Rock, who died 83 yrs.
“I just love helping wee children”, Gerry Rock RIP.



Child Scavengers of Nairobi: Field Report...
read it here »
Child Scavengers of  Nairobi: Field Report

Find Madeiline McCann

Have you seen me?

Find Madeleine Campaign

If you know where Madeleine is now or who was involved in her abduction, or if you were in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s abduction (3rd May 2007) and have not spoken to anyone in the police, please contact Operation Grange via this link »

Madeleine McCann age progression image, aged 9.

Find Madeiline McCann


In December 2010, Tuesday’s Child launched an appeal on facebook for a little girl called Areej, badly injured by white phosphorus in January 2009 in Gaza. Two specialist burns surgeons advised that unfortunately there is no surgery available for Areej. Thank you to everyone who supported the needs of this little girl.

In January 2011, a group called Truth Justice Peace, made a video of Areej and linked it to our charity without our knowledge or discussion of content. The information given in this video is incorrect. We first became aware of this video on 10 Jan 2011 and requested then, and many times since, that this video link be removed to Tuesday’s Child. Tuesday’s Child wishes to state we have NO association with the makers or the content of this video.

Tuesday’s Child, 21 April 2011.
Buy our music album The things we do Gifts / A Helping Hand
album image

Buy our double album of Irish music supported by some of Ireland’s best musicians and bands ?Snow Patrol, Westlife, Ronan Keating, Duke Special, Mary Black, Liam O’Maonlai, Kila, Cara Dillon and many more.

music album for Tuesday's Child

News Image

Concerts, pub quizzes, marathons, wine tastings, art exhibitions, gala events, bucket collections, coffee mornings – Tuesday’s Child has lots on to help raise funds for babies and children. Why not get involved and make a difference. Email us at events@tuesdayschild.org.uk

We give 100 percent of monies raised.

What we do at Tuesday's Child

Tuesday's Child Gigs for kids in Gaza       Tuesday's Child Twitter
Find us on Facebook, and
keep up to date with us.

helping hand image

How you can help now...

Lend a helping hand to a child in one of the areas we help in...Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Congo, Egypt, Gaza, Israel, Phiippines, Syria, Uganda, West Indies, Zambia, Zimbabwe ... Read more here »

Make a donation, sponsor a child, feed a family, have a fundraiser, volunteer. We take no costs and give everything we receive. Bring a smile to a child today!

Tuesday’s Child gives 100 percent of donations received and funds raised. You can also donate online at the following links: ….

Donate online at justgiving.com »
Just Giving to Tuesday's Child

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prayer for children


Prayers for children

All over the world, children face terrible hardship and suffering. There is a global war of evil raging against babies and children.

Many children face horrors such as: forced labour, child abuse, child imprisonment, child torture, recruitment as child soldiers, deliberate maiming, child trafficking, child organ trafficking, labelling as child witches, abandonment, child sacrifice and genocide. When natural disasters e.g. flooding, earthquakes, typhoons and tsunamis child predators often move in. Millions of other children don’t even get the chance to be born because of abortion. Please pray for protection of every child and that each may “have a chance to grow in God’s love like a flower in the morning sun”. Children need your prayers. Pray for them and encourage the children in your life to pray for them too. Peace for every child in the world and the womb.

Donate now & download a song for peace
Give what you can and download a song for peace in the Holy Land, Just Like You and I by Olive Kayes. 100 percent go to helping children in both Palestine and Israel. Donate here »

Tuesday's Child Medjuorje image

Tuesday’s Child was inspired by a visit to Medjugorje in May 2006. Medjugorje is a little bit of heaven and a fountain of light and grace for the world in dark times. Everything we do is All Through Mary for the glory of the child Jesus.

We take no salaries or administration costs and work directly with missionaries in all project areas. Peace in the world and the womb for every child...

read more about Tuesday's Child »



Bookmarks with beautiful poems written for Tuesday’s Child by Belfast poet Ann Murray. Bookmarks with prayer to Guardian angel (Angelus Dei) also available.
Click on the images to view larger.


    Protecting Babies
Tuesday’s Child is pro-life.
Many speak of “the unborn” as if they are a different species, they are little babies and
they need our special love and protection.
No matter what has happened, it is not the baby’s fault.
No matter how hard life is, or how difficult your circumstances are, it’s not the baby’s fault
Even if life may not be viable outside the womb, a baby is still entitled to a name and to die comforted.
Cherish life. Peace for every child in the world and the womb.

Photo: Mother and child, medical clinic, Lodwar, Kenya


© 2025 Tuesday's Child | Charity Reg. NIC 105091-0
Tel: +44 (0)289 050 2725 | Mobile: +44 (0) 7545 452362 | Email: info@tuesdayschild.org.uk | Terms